Thursday, June 30, 2005

Why George Is So Happy. . . And His Advice About How You Can Be Too

George always wanted to be a prize-fighter. In 1970, in a gym in Minneapolis, Minnesota, another fighter suggested he take some supplements. Not long after that, George, (who also has diabetes) started feeling differently.

Those supplements were actually Vita Lea from Shaklee. Soon, George noticed he had more energy. But as life ticked along and he eventually lost contact with his source of Shaklee products—until last year.

“About one year ago, I was looking for Shaklee again and I met you at the (Polk County) fair,” said George, who has been a regular customer and Shaklee advocate ever since. He even encouraged his sister Sherri to try the products as well. Now she’s a member too.

George, who is 57 years old and in incredible shape, has diabetes. He credits Shaklee with helping him to maintain blood sugar levels comparable to those without diabetes.

An exercise enthusiast, and always on the move with his job as a transfer driver for Northwest Airlines, his favorite Products are Energizing Soy Protein and Multi Munch Energy Bars.

He likes to downhill ski, golf and is a movie fanatic—sighting Cider House Rules, and Titanic as two of his favorite.
An animal lover, he has 4 cats and 4 birds—2 parakeets and 2 cockatiels.

His advice to Rise and Shine readers: “Take your vitamins. The Dr. ain’t gonna tell you to take them. But seriously . . . Take them!”

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