Sunday, January 15, 2006

Physique Heals Back Injury--Overnight!

Of all the products Shaklee has developed over the years, we think Physique is one of the most amazing. Typically marketed to athletes and muscle builders, this is what Shaklee has to say about its one of a kind “Workout Maximizer”:

Shaklee Physique uses our exclusive Bio-Blend to deliver the ultimate protein-to-carb ratio for maximum muscle recovery and growth. Independent clinical research has proven that Physique delivers more energy to the muscle than either carbohydrates or protein alone.”

Lisa and I use it whenever we overdo it either exercising or working in the yard to prevent soreness. But this next story (while making sense from a “muscle recovery” standpoint) tops them all. We got this letter way back in July from Liza Luczak, a mom and Shaklee member from Cornell, WI. She writes:

"I have no idea what happened, but my back went out yesterday morning. I hadn’t done anything to it, but it was extremely painful.

I went to the chiropractor and got an adjustment and he said the muscle was injured (torn). It was likely a gradual injury (long car trip over the weekend, extensive weeding in the garden the day before). He assured me that even though he adjusted me, I would still be sore in the morning.

I went home, and was in so much pain. Even though I hate almost all powdery supplement products, I decided to hold my nose and down some Physique. I mixed it in ice cream and milk (Rise and Shine interjects: We love the banana taste of Physique and mix it happily in juice or water. Yum!).

Then I used some Joint and Muscle Pain Cream. It did not take away the pain, put it did feel a little comforting. I tossed and turned as I struggled to sleep, dreading waking up and being stiff and in more pain.

To my surprise, when I woke up in the morning, I had full range of motion and no pain. I am almost CERTAIN it was the Physique! I had heard such testimonials from others, but it was the first time I experienced it myself! Truly Amazing!”

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