Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Tale of Pain and Suffering and (again) How Shaklee Provided Relief

Knee Pain

Although she’s not training for a marathon herself, Lisa has been running with Barb (see member of the month) since they met at Snap Fitness this winter. Barb has more experience (running, Lisa’s got her in years), but they enjoy each other’s company and having a training “buddy” helps to keep each accountable.

So when Lisa’s knee hurt during a scheduled 10 mile run, it slowed Barb down too. The pain intensified and Lisa had to stop running. Often it hurt just to stand on it and even walking at times was very painful. Of course Lisa tried everything in her Shaklee arsenal. She tried ice, heat, nothing seemed to help much. So, finally, begrudgingly, she saw a Dr. and scheduled an MRI. But not before she did one more thing.

She tried Shaklee’s Pain Relief Complex—and almost immediately she felt better. She started running again. Then on a warm Saturday morning, July 15, she ran a scheduled 12 miles with no pain. Up hills, down hills. No pain.

The MRI came back the next Monday showing some mild arthritis that inflames when she hits an incline or a decline, due to where the arthritis is and how the knee joint moves differently when her muscles adjust to hills. The Pain Relief Complex takes care of the inflammation—thus eliminating the pain.

So now she’s back on track—avoiding hills for now—but feeling no pain.

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