Day (who has also written and published titles such as The Immune System Handbook: Your Owners Manual, The Ideal Basic Diet, and more) and Gaber have teamed up to write Why Do I Feel This Way: Self-Help Solutions For Your Symptoms.
In it they congratulate those who are providing the necessities of life without supplements and outline 19 things you must do to avoid needing supplements.
“You don’t want to take supplements and that’s fine,” they say. “As long as:
- You provide adequate high quality protein (containing all 9 essential amino acids) daily
- You drink 6-8 cups of purified water every day
- You eat a minimum of 10-12 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day
- At least 50% of your entire diet is raw foods
- You eat only certified organic foods all the time
- You DO NOT eat any processed, refined, pre-packaged, instant, etc. foods
- You stay away from all sugary foods and junk foods
- You stay away from white flour products (breads, pastas, bagels, etc.)You stay away from ‘fast’ foods (burgers, fries, pizza, etc.)
- You stay away from all foods and oils containing hydrogenated &/or trans fats
- You do not consume caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, medications, etc.
- You have at least 2 bowel movements every day
- You exercise every day
- You do not put any chemicals/toxins into your body (foods or drinks containing pesticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics, flavorings, colorings, preservatives)
- You do not put any chemicals/toxins onto your body (cosmetics, personal care products, chlorine from bath water, pools or hot tubs, laundry and cleaning product residues, ect.)
- You do not breath in any chemicals/toxins (outdoor pollution, indoor pollution from toxic cleaning or personal care products, off-gassing of carpets, paints, construction materials, etc.)
- You have a healthy family history
- You do not suffer from any conditions, illness or health challenges
- You live a relaxed, stress-free, positive, happy life.”
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